Article codes

Ink-Edit: Interactive color-constrained textures editing - interface code

Code of the interface presented in the article Ink-Edit: Interactive color-constrained textures editing.

Real‐time Terrain Enhancement with Controlled Procedural Patterns - interactive demo

Interacive webGL demonstration presented with the article Real‐time Terrain Enhancement with Controlled Procedural Patterns.

Color-mapped noise vector fields for generating procedural micro-patterns - interactive demo

Interacive webGL demonstration presented with the article Color-mapped noise vector fields for generating procedural micro-patterns, implementation : Sylvain Thery
Code validated by the Replicability Stamp Initiative


[ConcoursJFIG2023] birthday cake

A birthday cake created with Signed Distance Function and rendered using ray marching. Shader made for the shadertoy contest for the JFig 2023 (Audience award).

[ConcoursJFIG2022] port of the moon

A stylized representation of the Garonne under the moon. Shader made for the shadertoy contest for the JFig 2022.